Zebra 105SL Troubleshooting
Zebra 105SL Troubleshooting
Are you having Zebra printer problems? Try some of our Zebra 105sl troubleshooting to resolve your issue.
One of the best things to do for Zebra 105sl troubleshooting is to restart your printer from its factory defaults. This hard reset puts all your changed settings on the actual printer back to how it came out of the factory. It also resets the calibration so the timing of your print aligns with the tear lines in the media. This factory default reset often times solves the majority of issues dealing with the Zebra 105sl printer. Click on the link above for the exact procedure.
Another simple yet effective solution to your zebra 105sl printer problems is when debris or residue from the print compromise you printer. This is easily fixed through inspection and cleaning. Just open up your printer and ensure there’s nothing covering any sensors or stopping the flow of ribbon/media. If there happens to be blockage, just clean your printer and power it back on to resume printing.
Our team at Barcode trading post can perform a variety of other troubleshooting procedures that require a professional technician if your problems persist. Call us at 888-317-3440 for a FREE quote.

Zebra 105SL troubleshooting
If this didn’t solve your ribbon sensor problem for your Zebra 105sl printer, visit one of our other Zebra 105sl printer repair pages:
Did this help with your Zebra 105sl ribbon sensor problem? If not, please see below and contact us.
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