Zebra 110Xi III Plus Ethernet/Wireless Communications
Zebra 110Xi III Plus Ethernet/Wireless Communications
Zebra 110Xi III Plus Ethernet/Wireless Communication problems? Technology is rapidly changing! Zebra printers have the capabilities to be upgraded to stay up to date with these technologies. Communications parameters for printers is evolving with the technology. In earlier models of the Xi line, printers were only available with serial communications but demands required the use of Centronics (parallel), USB and more recently added has been wired Ethernet and wireless Ethernet. Utilizing Ethernet connectivity is a great asset for keeping up with the demands of daily printing.
Ethernet connectivity can provide more information, more readily and easily when properly setup. Alerts and emails can be sent when errors occur or when the printer requires service. For example, criteria can be set in the printer to send an alert when the printer runs out of ribbon, or more specifically a Ribbon Out Error. Receiving these alerts can cut the downtime of the machine and better manage productivity. Changes can be made to the printer’s menu settings from utilizing the Ethernet connectivity’s utilities.
Simply opening any browser, including Windows Explorer, and typing the printer’s IP address and pressing enter will open the printserver’s Web View. The Web View contains all the same menu entries found in the printer’s menu but can be accessed and changed from any computer on the same network as the printer (changes can be locked as well!).
These options are available in wired as well as wireless Ethernet. Your Xi III+ printer, through some modifications, can have either wired or wireless communications installed. Give the professionals at BCTP a call today for a free quote!

Zebra 110Xi III Plus Ethernet/Wireless Communications